School Board votes Dec. 13 on 2018-19 school calendar

Mark Young, News Editor

On November 13th, the Fairfax County Public School Board met to decide between potential calendars for the 2018-19 school year. All possibilities include distinct options for the first day of school. Plan A begins Aug. 23, plan B on Aug. 22, and plan C on Aug. 28 (for the students), while the teachers begin on Aug. 13 for plans A&B, and Aug. 17 for C.

Fairfax this year enlisted the help of different people to determine these options. These representatives encompass a group of both external and internal constituent groups. Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement (VOICE), Fairfax County Council of Parent Teachers Associations, (PTA’s), Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) teacher and staff associations, testing services, curriculum and instruction, professional development, and student activities have all been considered and sought out in the development of these new calendars.

Additionally, during a meeting on the 13th of December, a fourth possibility, plan D, will be considered. Plan D begins on the 28th for students, while teachers begin on the 17th, just like plan C.

This year, FCPS is following the calendar plan laid out in plan C . However, this does not mean it has a higher chance of being chosen. All plans will be carefully considered, and only one will be chosen for the 2018-19 school year.

Mark Young