Locally grown foods yields numerous benefits

Elise Jensen, Features Editor

Often in grocery stores, signs with “Organic foods” entice consumers to buy them, even though they are unaware of the actual benefits. A healthy alternative to buying “organic food”, where the label can often be misleading as USDA cannot supervise the certification process of the “organic” labels, is buying local foods. Local food is offered in multiples places in Vienna and buying food locally can benefit the environment in many ways. Virginia has a fertile landscape and a varied climate allowing the support of a wide variety of crops. Even in winter there are still crops that grow locally that can be the focus of a winter meal.  

By purchasing local foods, you help support farmland in your community as well as boost the local economy. Local food boosts the local economy by supporting people who own small businesses and allowing money to circulate. A dollar spent on local produce generates double the amount for your community than if it were spent on imported goods. Purchasing local food allows for new job opportunities for people within the community. Local food also also employs more people per unit of scale and retains more employees.

There are many ways local food helps support farmland in your community. Local food helps soil by avoiding monoculture which is when single crops grown over a large area cause a detriment to soil. Small farms grow a large variety of foods which require less artificial ripening compared to industrialized food, which yields food altered to withstand certain conditions. Local food that is harvested during its peak quality and ripeness can taste better than food that is harvested early in order to be shipped and distributed to grocery stores.

Buying locally also allows you to be aware of where exactly your food comes from and how it is produced. Food in grocery stores often has to travel a long way before getting to the shelves in your store, and while it may seem great to have many different options, this creates a heavy carbon footprint and leaves a strain on the environment. Reducing miles food travels decreases our dependence on fossil fuels, reduces air pollution and cuts back on greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, there are many benefits to eating local food and eating locally can make a difference in your life and the lives of those who grow local food for a living.