8 ways to pass the time in quarantine
May 27, 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused many people to go into self-quarantine and practice social distancing in hopes of staying safe. While staying at home can be fun and relaxing, it can also be extremely boring if you run out of things to do. Here are some ideas on what to do to pass the time.
1. Try Netflix Party
When people have a lot of free time, many turn to shows and movies to keep themselves occupied. Instead of binging on your favorite Netflix show by yourself, now you can do it with friends while still social distancing. Just have everyone add the Netflix Party extension to their Google Chrome browser, choose a show or movie to watch, invite friends using the URL and chat using the chat box while watching, making social distancing a little bit easier.
2. Take up a hobby
Because school takes up a lot of our time, our hobbies are often pushed to the side. Yet our new free time presents an opportunity to either pick up a new hobby or continue an old one. It can be anything from painting to playing the piano, but spending time on your hobby will be enjoyable and help pass the time.
3. Practice self-care
Taking time to work on yourself is more important now than ever before. Do things that make you happy and find ways to better improve yourself. That encompasses many things, including taking care of both your mental and physical health. For many, self-care will look like an at-home spa day with face masks, but the possibilities are endless. There are countless at-home workout videos online that don’t require equipment. Find things to do for yourself that you wouldn’t normally have time to do.
4. Cook something fun
Going out to eat or to buy something is not really an option right now.However, you can still find a cool recipe and try to make it at home. Whether it’s to satisfy a craving or just to try something you aren’t good at, it’s a good way to pass your time, and hopefully you’ll end up with a good snack or meal at the end.
5. Catch up on the much needed sleep
Take advantage of this break by sleeping in or taking mid-day naps. Many students don’t get the recommended hours of sleep because of school and activities, but now there’s enough time to sleep for however long as you wish. Nonetheless, try not to stay up really late and then wake up late because doing so can disrupt your sleep schedule.
6. Spend time with family
Most people are probably quarantined with their families. Do some activities with your family like playing a board game or watching a movie. Everyone usually has their own things to do, but take advantage of being stuck at home together and have some family time. There’s a lot of chaos and fear in the world right now, but spending time with your loved ones can make it a bit better.
7. Clean your room or house
Organize and tidy up the space you will be spending the majority of your time in for the next few weeks. Get ahead on that spring cleaning and follow the Marie Kondo method by getting rid of things that don’t bring you joy. Cleaning can be a daunting task, but the feeling of accomplishment after you finish, along with the reward of having a clean room or house, is worth it.
8. Keep in touch with friends
Now that school is closed for the rest of the year, seeing friends every day isn’t a possibility anymore. However, there are still countless ways to keep in touch. FaceTime or text your friends to hang out or talk while still practicing social distancing.