Warhawk time ambassadors improve community unity
In order to fulfill the “One School One Community” ideal that the administration is promoting the language program is taking action.
Spanish Honor Society ESOL Officer, Zoe Ziff (’17), discusses Homecoming with students in Maria Sanchez’s Warhawk Time.
October 4, 2016
Madison is fortunate to have a lively and diverse community of students. Teachers and students are always looking for ways to further integrate the student body. This year the administration has a new motto “One school one community.” To promote this the Spanish Program is working together with the English as a Second Language (ESOL) Program to create Warhawk Time Ambassador classes.
Warhawk Time Ambassador classes are equally comprised of Spanish 5 or AP Spanish students and ESOL students. The students get buddies that keep them up to date on current school events and to help feel closer to the madison community.
“We do a circle where we just ask a question, a simple question like what are you worried about the most or what are you excited about the most?” Maria Sanchez, Spanish teacher, said, “Just so that they connect as people.”
The program is allowing students to interact with groups they would usually be isolated from. This strengthens the school as a whole.
“I already feel like an important part of the greater Madison community and have made great relationships with the ESOL students in my Warhawk Time,” Sami Pabley (’17) said. “I feel like I’ve benefited greatly from the experience and it’s only been for just a few weeks.”
Students are benefiting in the long run as well by learning important life skills that they can use to improve Madison and take away with them elsewhere.
“[The students learn] tolerance; being aware of one another’s differences,” Nicole Curran, Spanish teacher, said. “It is so easy to just make an assumption about anybody else if you don’t know their culture or about where they are coming from. So I think that that piece is most important.”
The new program already has great effects. It’s only been a few weeks and the benefits of the class are proving to be positive toward the student and teacher communities.
“It’s already made a big difference for me,” says Eva Varghese (’17). “I have 20 new friends to say hi to in the hallways.”
The students learning from one another has expanded their awareness of the complete Madison community. The program has truly helped spread the administration’s motto throughout the school and student body.
Connor Williams • Oct 5, 2016 at 10:56 am
Love the content! I’m really excited for the food section! I hope you hired a great food critic!