Flipping through the glossy pages of the “Heritage,” more commonly known as the JMHS Literary Arts Magazine, it’s easy to marvel over the vibrant color palette and impressive compositions. The LitMag features art and writing by students and faculty alike. Several club members work tirelessly each year to be able to distribute the finished product in June.
The first few meetings are spent brainstorming a unique theme for the magazine. This year’s theme is “selcouth,” meaning “unusual, strange.” Artists are encouraged to use it as inspiration for their work rather than be restricted by it.
After deciding on an overarching topic, members approach local businesses to sell advertisement space and spread the word about the magazine. They frequently pair up to fundraise, which helps to foster close relationships between club members.
The purpose of LitMag is to share “the different perspectives of the school, because I think that Madison is quite a diverse community,” Vice President Vinnie Torregrossa (’26) said. “There’s such a wide range of people at this school, and we’re really able to demonstrate that in LitMag.”
In order to highlight the various viewpoints of the student body, the members of the magazine gather in the digital art lab to create each page with InDesign. Officers work with less experienced students during this process until they are ready to hand out the magazine around Vienna.
In the 2023 national REALM (Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines) contest, the JMHS LitMag was awarded First Class by NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). This is the highest award offered by the competition and a testament to the dedication of the magazine’s members.
“Heritage” is accepting submissions until Jan. 6. Students and staff can scan the QR code below to submit their work.
“We are so tightly knit, and we are so happy to welcome new people into the club and to be able to pass on the knowledge and… experiences,” Torregrossa said.
The LitMag typically meets every Wednesday at 3 p.m. in room 157. Those interested can reach out to co-advisors Michaela Wolf and Matt Dunn for more information. Everyone is welcome!